Staying connected to the Book of Allah can be difficult. Muslim Developers have created an A.I. Enabled Quran recitation application to change that.

Each year, we make the intention to keep our hearts connected to the Quran after Ramadan is over, but eventually life catches up to us and our Mushafs begin to gather dust on the shelves.

It is challenging to hold ourselves accountable to learning and reciting the Quran on a consistent basis, especially without a teacher who can keep us motivated by listening to our recitation and helping us improve it.

Although access to an in-person Quran teacher can vary, Tarteel allows you to access the benefits of a Quran teacher 24/7, no matter where you are.

Introducing Tarteel, an A.I. Enabled Quran Recitation App.

Tarteel uses Artificial Intelligence to empower you to improve your reading, enhance your tajweed, and memorize new Quran with confidence.

Tarteel makes regular engagement and study of the Quran easier and more accessible for everyone. The goal is to help Muslims who want to read, recite, and understand the Quran better. Whether you've just begun to read Arabic, or have memorized the entire Quran, Tarteel can help you take your relationship with the Quran further.

Tarteel, an initiative to develop tools that support the reading and recitation of the Quran (holy book of Islam) has launched a new version of its mobile app for iOS and Android to help Muslims recite and memorize Quran in an easy manner, a representative of the initiative told TechSalaf today.

Founded last year by Abdullateef Abdulfattah, a software engineer at Twitter, Anas Abu Allaban, a software engineer at Amazon AWS, and Muhammad Mūsa, a software engineer at Facebook, Tarteel had launched the first version of its mobile app earlier this year that allowed users to search verses by reciting them and view English translation and transliteration of their matches.

Their team that now also includes engineers and researchers from Google, Bain, Uber ATG, MIT, and Yale, has shipped a new version of the app today, bringing two new features to life; automated recitation and automated memorization.

The recitation feature allows users to get live matching of the Quran recitation powered by the latest Artificial Intelligence. The algorithm follows users word by word and highlights the section that they’re reading. It is helpful when they’re reciting the Quran and want to get real-time cues for your position, and for following along an Imam or an audio recording.

Memorization mode makes it easier to review and practice their Quran memorization. The app does it by hiding all the words that haven’t been recited yet, and unveil them as the user recites. The feature, Tarteel says, ensures that users don’t spoil their memorization and read a portion that they haven’t recited yet.

Tarteel currently offers the following features:

  1. Tarteel Recite - Begin reciting any ayah from the Quran and instantly continue reading from the mushaf. Our technology uses Artificial Intelligence to follow along with your recitation word by word and highlights each ayah as you read it.

  2. Memorization Mode - Recite a passage of Quran that you've memorized and Tarteel will hide the upcoming words that you haven't recited yet. The words are revealed once you recite them, making it easier to review Quran that you've memorized.

  3. Tarteel Search - Recite a full ayah, part of an ayah, or even a single word to instantly find where it appears in the Quran and view its translation.

Features currently available.

Abdullateef Abdulfattah, the co-founder of Tarteel, speaking to TechSalaf, said, that they’re also working on refining their algorithms and will release Quran recitation correction feature soon which will allow users to recite the Quran and get live feedback on their tajweed and recitation mistakes.

Speaking about why they launched Tarteel, Abdullateef, added, “We saw the rise of machine learning technologies and saw an opportunity to provide more functionality for people reciting and memorizing the Quran without access to a teacher. We started Tarteel as an initiative to collect the first open-source dataset of Quranic recitations in order to build the machine learning model to power it. To date, we received over 95,000 contributions.”

The app can be  downloaded for iOS and Android here.

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