We are cut in between two evils; one seems terrific until the other became scary. 

The inconsiderate literates have outnumbered the compassionate illiterates. 

We have been left to decide where we stay, ether to go back to the era of the compassionate illiterates or keep going on the path of the inconsiderate elites or literates. 

Our choices will decide how the new century of our society will be, those that raise from nobody to become somebody through grace and privileges are the ones controlling the societal spaces and they have made grace seems like an illusion and make privileges appears like opportunities.

The inconsiderate literates or elites in today’s world are the most populous of the privileged circle, they from the then hopeless, homeless and helpless upbringing of the past decades. They are the tyrants that have decided to create troubles for the world of today. They are the ingrates that have refused to create opportunities for generations to come as they did enjoin it. They lack compassion, sympathy, empathy and care for the less and not privileged. When they come to the rescue of the current hopeless, helpless and homeless, they come to make show-off for more gains, when they claim to serve humanity, they eventually end up serving their animalist greed.

On the other hand, the compassionate illiterates are supportive to the less and not privileged more than the inconsiderate literates privilege, they have sympathy and empathy for people and show love while they see all they have acquired in life as a gift of grace rather than efforts. They are quick to help without protocol; they ensure everyone in and out of their circle enjoys the dividends of humanity without any reward in view.  Being illiterates does not make them ignoramus or uninformed. They have just lacked the opportunity to have a feel of academics even at that they take their time to master the education within their reach to learn local trades, some of them without been literates were able to run successful globally recognized business.

The switch in value between the inconsiderate literates and compassionate illiterates is a major factor in societal menace.  Support is restricted to the literates lounge while the illiterates are like pounds on the board. The literates have crippled the system with greed and grades without obvious value. It is more of me, myself and I, in the elite circle than the WE mindset. We are cut in between the clean very hot ocean and cool dirty sea, we have got to choose where this path leads us as a people.

Until, the literate, elites or educated are willing to do the right things for the benefit of humanity without show-off and self-gains, we might never reach for the riches within our reach and until the illiterates liberate themselves through the right information and adequate engagement with the literates, we will never be able to attain true peace, unity and love.

Amuda Rasheed A.


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